Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Questionnaire analysis

Questionnaire Analysis
The questionnaire was given out to 20 people around the college. The purpose for designing this questionnaire was to find out, what type of horror films where most popular and what people liked and disliked about our storyline for our film “Deadly dreams”. In order for us to achieve our objective we asked the following questions to help us with our film.
These are the questions that we asked on our questionnaire:
1)      What is your gender?

This pie chart shows, out of all the 20 students we gave our questionnaire to answer, 60% of them were males. Th reason for why we asked this question was to find out who prefers horror films the most females or males.
2)      Do you watch films regularly?

The bar chart above, shows out of the entire student that answered our questionnaire a large number of them said they do watch films regularly. The reason for why we asked this question was to find out if people in odays generation watch films regularly.

3)      If yes, what is your favourite film genre?

The pie chart above shows, a large percentage of students chose horror as their favourite genre. The purpose for asking this questions was to find out what genre people prefred and what genre was most liked.

4) What attracts you to a film?

This bar chart shows that most people are attracted to a film, by the actors in the film and the films storyline. This is shown in the bar chart above as both “Actors” and the “storyline” got the same results. The purpose for asking this question was to find out what elements attracted people to a film , so therefore we could use the same elements to make our film successful.

5) Where do you watch films?

The pie chart above shows that 60% of the students who answered our questionnaire said they watch films at a cinema. The reason for why we asked this question was to find out what was the main resourse people used to watch their films.

6)  Do you like watching horror films?

This bar chart show 12 out of the 20 students we gave a questionnaire to answer said they like watching horror films. This was one of the main questions which we asked , the purpose for asking his question was to find out what percentage of students watch horror films.

7) If yes what is your favourite horror film?

 For this question a large number of the students said their favourite horror film is SCREAM” OR “SAW” these were the two main films that came up in the response of this question. This was also an important question which we asked in our questionnaire. The purpose for asking this question was so that we could find out which horror film people liked the most and use that film as a guideline to help us make our film successful

8)  A girl has a dream, in her dream she sees a man in a mask, throughout the day strange things happen to her, where she keeps on seeing the same man wearing the mask. When she finishes college she leaves to go home where she again thinks she is being followed. What score would you give our synopsis out of 1-10?

The bar chart above shows that most of the students who answer our questionnaire gave our idea for film “DEADLY DREAMS” a score of 5/10. I think this was one of the main questions in our questionnaire, as this allowed us to find out what people would give our synopsis of our film in terms of rating.

9) How could we improve our idea?

For this question the main response that we got was that we as a group need to make our film a bit scarier and add a twist to the idea so that it is not easy to predict what is going to happen, as most students said that they find horror films predictable. This question was also important as it allowed us to know how we can improve the idea of our film to please our target audience.

10) What do you dislike about horror films?

For this question we got two main different responses. The males who answered this question on our questionnaire said they, find horror films too easy to predict and they don’t like this because it makes the film less entertaining to watch, and they also added that horror films should be more unpredictable so that the film would be more excitable to watch. Most of the females said that they find horror films too traumatising and disgusting to watch.

As a result of designing our questionnaire, I think we have been successful in achieving our objective as we have found out all the main points that we need in order for us to make our film successful. From the questionnaire we have found out,  today’s generation people often do tend to watch films regularly and the most common place where they watch their films is in cinema. From this questionnaire we have also found out, that people are often attracted to a film by the actors in it and the film storyline. This questionnaire also shows that the most popular and liked horror films are “SCREAM” and “SAW”. This question allowed us to find out what people dislike about horror films so , we knew not to include that in our horror film.

Overall the most important thing that we have found out from our questionnaire is, that some people mostly, males find horror films less entertaining because they feel that the films are easy to predict and are not scarier enough, as a result we now know that we should add something different to our film which will make the storyline hard to predict, and will challenge the target audience.


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